
20 Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise

By Familywave Team Published on Aug 04, 2024

Source : womenshealthmag

Health is wealth and we must do everything possible to maintain a healthy body. Besides a healthy diet, different types of exercise are exactly what you need to keep your body fit or recover from chronic diseases. 

Exercise must be a part of our daily rituals as it helps us manage weight, keeps us energized, and prevents us from many lifestyle diseases. Here are 20 amazing exercise benefits that will surely motivate you to exercise regularly.

1. Helps Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

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We all are aware that cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death. According to the American Heart Association, by 2030, the rate of cardiovascular diseases is going to increase by 9.9% but it can be controlled by regular exercising.

Cardiovascular health can be improved drastically with the help of regular exercise as it helps increase our cardiovascular endurance. This will lead to improved day-to-day activity without any heaviness and fatigue that many people currently suffer from.

2. Helps In Weight Loss

Source : sknclinics

While exercising we burn energy and fat to fuel the body which is why regular exercise helps to maintain a perfect body weight. This amazing benefit of regular exercise can be enjoyed by everyone willing to put in the hard work.

It is absolutely essential for people who are obese, overweight, or borderline overweight to start exercising. It will help them burn extra pounds of body weight and help prevent obesity-related health diseases.

3. Helps Reduce Risk Of Type-2 Diabetes

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Type-2 diabetes is a health condition that affects our body's use of sugar for energy. Factors that contribute to developing type 2 diabetes health issues are being overweight, not getting enough exercise, and genetics.

This is an easily preventable health issue with diet control and regular exercise. Getting regular physical exercise helps improve our body’s sensitivity to insulin and helps reverse insulin resistance.

4. Helps Boost Bone Density

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Women are more affected by osteoporosis (low bone density) than men and older people are more vulnerable to this disease than younger people. Indulging in certain types of regular exercises our risks of getting fractures.

Different research has revealed that strength training improves the mineral density of the bones which will help prevent osteoporosis. Therefore, it is extremely advisable to incorporate exercise in our daily routines.

5. Helps Maintain Muscle Strength

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One of the best benefits of weight training is it will help maintain our muscle strength. As we exercise our body releases hormones that allow our body to properly observe amino acid and boosts muscle growth.

With increasing age, we lose a lot of muscle mass and function but with the help of regular exercise, it will reduce muscle loss and gain strength. So, to remain strong even while getting older, regular exercise is a must.

6. Helps In Reducing Stress Level

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The Importance of regular exercise is not just limited to physical health but is equally important for mental health as well. This is the reason stress reduction sits right in the mix of the top 10 benefits of exercise.

Physical activity is highly beneficial to combat stress which is why it is always advised to go for a walk or a run whenever we feel stress. We will observe sudden changes in our mood and feel refreshed.

Related: 20+ Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Yoga

7. Helps Fight Depression And Anxiety

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Regular exercising has a positive effect on our cognitive function and mental well-being. It helps improve blood and oxygen flow to our brain which results in regenerating neurons that are responsible for our brain health.

When we start exercising our brain also releases feel-good hormones such as dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin that are responsible for improving our mood. That is why doctors always recommend patients suffering from depression and anxiety to exercise regularly.

8. Helps Control Blood Pressure

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High blood pressure is a lifestyle disease mainly caused due to bad eating habits and lack of physical exercise which may lead to stroke, heart attack, and even death. If someone is suffering from hypertension then regular exercise is mandatory.

According to a scientific study, 800 people with high blood pressure were observed for six months. It found out that exercising for 30-60 minutes, 3-7 days a week helped lower systolic blood pressure. 

9. Helps Reduce Risk Of Cancer

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Reducing the risk of cancer is one of the important benefits of regular exercise. Regular exercise is not only good for reducing the risk of cancer but is equally beneficial for people going through cancer treatments.

To cut our cancer risk, up to one hour of moderate exercise or 30 minutes of vigorous exercise is recommended.  For example: In bowel cancer, exercise can help waste pass through our system more quickly, reducing contact with cancer-causing harmful agents.

10. Helps Improve Digestion

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A healthy digestive system is very important to keep our detoxed, light, and free of bloating and also allows our body to observe the necessary nutrients that we consume with foods. Just eating healthy food is not enough if you cannot digest it properly.

Exercising helps in the digestive process by making sure that food moves properly through our intestines and starts digestion. A regular 30-45 minutes of exercise session has proven beneficial to improve our digestive system.

11. Helps Improve Brain Function And Memory

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Our brain function and memory power are influenced by physical exercise which helps maintain our brain health. According to American scientist improved brain function and memory power is benefits of aerobic exercise.

Aerobic exercise can improve attention span, prevent age-related brain tissue loss, and enhance the ability to process information quickly. It also improves our cognitive function while keeping our brain active to help us perform better in our daily activities.

12. Helps Reduce Lower Back Pain

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As people grow older majority of them complain of having lower back pain. Stretching, back-focused, and abdominal strengthening exercises have proven to be extremely helpful to battle and overcome this situation.

Lower back pain has affected almost around 540 million people around the world. Making a habit of regular exercise will be a wise decision for many to completely avoid this situation in the later part of life. 

13. Helps Improve Sleep Quality

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Regular exercise has been proven to reduce stress levels and overcome anxiety leaving us more relaxed and stabilized. This is the perfect state of our body to get good quality sleep and help recover energy levels.

For someone who loves to workout outside gets exposure to the sun which is a great source of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps us regulate our sleep-wake cycle. 

14. Helps Increase Flexibility

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Another major health benefit of regular exercise is that it helps to improve our body's flexibility. This will in return protect our body from getting injured. A flexible body is less vulnerable to injury than others.

Minor twists and turns won't create a problem for our wrist, ankle, shoulder, lower back, neck, etc as they get stronger with the benefits of stretching exercise. These movement exercises will help build strength and stability in our bodies.

15. Helps Increase Energy levels

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Most people today often complain about getting fatigued or always being tired mainly due to living an inactive life or being overworked. This situation can be dramatically changed with the many different benefits of regular exercise.

Once we start exercising regularly, it boosts our muscle strength and endurance. It also helps send oxygen and nutrients to our tissues and helps our cardiovascular system work more efficiently which provides us with more energy level.

16. Helps Improve Sex Life

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According to studies, implementing regular exercise in our lifestyle has resulted in an increased sexual desire and stamina. Just like flirting is good for the heart similarly regular exercise is good for sexual intimacy.

Exercise helps improve mood, heart function, flexibility, and muscle strength which are essential for sexual activity.  You can implement exercises like cardio, strength, and yoga alternatively to enjoy this benefit of regular exercise.

17. Helps Improve Balance And Posture

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Balance training during exercise involves exercise that helps us keep upright by building up muscle strength including our core and leg muscles. This kind of exercise helps us improve our stability and body posture.

For the prevention of injuries and muscle pull, balancing and proper body posture play a greater role. Improving our body posture can even add one to two inches in our height.

18. Helps Improve Skin Health

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Skin is the largest organ of the human and one of the most ignored ones. It is responsible for protecting our internal organs from the external environment hence it is very important to take proper care of it.

When we exercise we must target exercise that makes us sweat a lot like aerobics and cardio exercise. When we sweat it allows a lot of harmful microbes on the surface of the skin to get washed away and keep it clean and protected.

19. Helps Strengthen Our Lungs

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One benefit of cardio exercise is that it makes our lungs stronger. When we do cardio it develops our heart function and sends more blood to our lungs. Similarly, when we breathe more it exercises our lungs more.

Doing moderate exercise for 30 minutes daily has proven to have a positive effect on our lungs. It may be difficult at first but with regular practice, it gets easier and improves our stamina.

20. Helps Us Live Longer

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As we incorporate exercise into our daily routine we can get its physical benefits, mental benefits, emotional benefits, and social benefits. Exercise has a positive impact on almost every aspect of our lives.

With improved stamina, muscle strength, flexibility, concentration power, improved mental health, etc. it will be easier to live our day-to-day life. Therefore, if we want to live longer then regular exercise is a must.

Also Read: 20 Incredible Benefits Of Running