
Funny Gen Z Memes That Make No Sense For Other Generations

By FamilywaveTeam | Jun 06, 2024

English singer Rick Astley seen on his famous song Never Gonna Give You Up music video.
Source : thefamilynation

Gen Z memes that make no sense are trending right now and confusing all the other generations. Millennials often consider Gen Z humor to be broken.

Gen Z also known as Generation Z are people born between 1995 and 2012. They are known as "digital natives" as Gen Z had internet facilities and portable devices from a very young age while growing up, making them the first generation with such benefits as kids.

The Internet has been an integral part of Gen Z's growing-up schedule and they have been heavily influenced by pop culture due to the easy availability of information. One such impacting factor is internet memes.

Memes are defined as any images, sounds, videos, or combination of all made humorous by keeping the pop-culture reference which is spread around the internet quickly. In recent times, memes have been an important aspect of digital marketing for companies as they are catchy and spread rapidly among users.

They come in large variations, mostly relating to specific topics or areas like music, entertainment, medical science, and others. However, Gen Z tends to laugh at dumb memes which are beyond the understanding of preceding generations.

Related: Generation Names And Years In Order

30 Funny Gen Z Memes That Make No Sense

Memes only Gen Z will understand do not make much sense to older generations. Funny Gen Z memes are often derived from pop-cultural materials.

1. Darth Tater

A picture showing potato wearing Darth Vader costume while holding Light Saber.
Source : pinterest

The meme is a wordplay as Tater almost rhymes with Vader. In the image, a potato (tater) is seen wearing the outfit of Darth Vader from Star Wars while holding a red lightsaber. The meme is funny because Vader is being compared to a potato.

2. Jon Snow

Three images showing Game of Thrones character Jon Snow in different weather condition
Source : pinterest

The meme is very funny because the character is from Game of Thrones and his name is Jon Snow. In the first image, he is seen in a snowy condition depicting his name Jon Snow, but in the second image, he is seen in a rainy condition changing his name to John Rain, and in the third image his hair is flying changing his name to Jon Wind.

3. 404 Not Found

The above image show two buildings 403 and 405 but the middle building 404 is missing.
Source : pinterest

The above picture shows two buildings 403 and 405 but the middle building which was supposed to be 404 is missing. This is a funny programming meme as the error code 404 suggests a missing webpage on the internet. The building stood true to the error code as 404 was not found.


The meme is a world play of Leg and Egg combined.
Source : reddit

The meme shows a leg with an egg head and faces making it a LEGG, a combination of both Leg and Egg. The meme is humorous to Gen Z because it makes practically no sense and looks funny. The wordplay game is also strong as both words are seamlessly combined giving birth to a brand new word and imagination.

5. Up

A weird conversation between two people involving some wordplay and UP film DVD.
Source : facebook

The conversation between two people is very funny because the first person is talking about throwing up in the toilet, which was meant to be understood as puking in the toilet by the other person. However, in the turn of things, the first person revealed he threw the DVD of the film UP in the toilet. Although he is not technically wrong, the second person was seriously misguided.

6. Onana

A fruit made from Banana and Orange named Onana.
Source : pinterest

In the above meme, someone else is saying Gen Z's argument is invalid. However, the fruit depicted in the image is a cross between Banana and Orange technically making it Onana. This is a sarcastic meme referring to the technically correct nonsensical arguments put forward by Gen Z.

7. Best Pickup Line

A color graded line of Pick-Up trucks parked at a parking lot.
Source : pinterest

The meme shows a line of parked pickup trucks that are color graded and look absolutely beautiful. The line is also arguably the best Literary Pick-Up Line. The meme is funny because when someone hears about pick-up lines, they think of some cheesy sentences constructed to please women but no one thinks of the literal pick-up parked in a line.

8. Unicorn

An illustration showing a huge corn riding a unicycle.
Source : pinterest

Most people think of a one-horned white mythical creature when they hear Unicorn. However, that is not necessarily the case with Gen Zs as they might get creative and make something like a literal Unicorn, huge corn riding a unicycle.

9. Sock On A Cock

A cock wearing a sock on his face.
Source : pinterest

The meme is funny because of its context. The sentence at the beginning of the meme encourages you to rhyme the picture following the text. This is an interactive meme making it even funnier as you have to figure out the humor yourself.

10. William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare in his several forms according to his expressions.
Source : facebook

The above images illustrate the literal images made using the last name of the popular writer William Shakespeare. In the first image, his original last name Shakespeare is used and a blurry image depicting shaking is used. In the second image, a steady image is used but his surname is changed to Steadyspeare.

In the third image, a shocked image of the writer is used with his last name changed to Shookspeare. At last, his surname is completely changed to Disappear and his image is removed to match with his last name.

11. Van Gogh

An image of the popular painter Vincent van Gogh used in a humorous meme.
Source : facebook

In the above meme, the author first lays the context to make the meme funny by revealing his van was recently stolen. In the second incomplete line, he asks "where did his" and inserts the image of the popular painter Van Gogh.

The audience is encouraged to complete his second sentence by identifying the painter which completes the sentence as "Where did my Van Gogh?" which closely sounds like Where did my van go making it a funny meme.

12. Sus Woodchipper

The woodchipper being towed by a truck looks suspicious with the red paint.
Source : pinterest

Memes Gen Z would laugh at is the meme shown above of a suspicious Woodchipper being towed by the truck. This is a classic example of a dark meme where the meme maker is actually trying to convenience the audience the woodchipper might have chipped other things aside from wood (You know what I mean). However, in reality, the red in the wood chipper is just painted by the manufacturer.

13. Tired Truck

A truck full of tires with a funny license plate
Source : pinterest

In the above image, a truck carrying a full load of tires is seen. However, the meme becomes funny when you zoom into the license plate which reads "TIRED." The meme can be interpreted as the truck is tired of carrying all the tires or it can also be interpreted as the truck has been tired (like in hit with tires or filled with tires) but both interpretations make sense and make it funny.

14. Hackerman

Rami Malek portraying his Mr. Robot character Elliot.
Source : instagram

The above-shown meme is very relatable to all Gen Zs as they often have to make constant adjustments to get their devices charged. The feeling can be understood by Gen Z after they successfully find the exact angle and position where their broken charger works. The meme shows the feeling of Hackerman after finding the only angle and position.

15. Overthinking

Baby Yoda pulling his hair off while overthinking.
Source : pinterest

This is a very relatable meme for Gen Zs as they often struggle to break their addiction to phones and the internet and go to sleep every night. Despite trying hard to get some sleep, sometimes a random thought can make you search the internet in the middle of the night depriving you of sleep.

16. Vlad The Inhaler

The inhaler modified to look like the Romanian ruler Vlad The Impaler
Source : pinterest

Vlad the Inhaler is a funny version of one of the greatest and most important rulers Wallachian and the National hero of Romania Vlad The Impaler. The meme is made using a normal inhaler decorated with the ornaments worn by the late king making it funny. The meme is funny because it is a work of creativity of merging two totally unrelated things and creating humor out of it.

17. Threelon Musketeers

An image showing three Elon Musk as Threelon Musketeers.
Source : pinterest

The meme is a name pun taken from the popular novel Three Musketeers. However, the name has been slightly changed to read Threelon Musketeers and images of Elon Musk are put on all three Musketeers. The Name sounds like Elon Musk and the images show him as Musketeer giving a humorous output.

18. Cop Dogs

A sign asking a serious question which is found humorous by Gen Z.
Source : pinterest

A sign asking whether regular dogs are scared of police dogs as civilians are scared of the police. Although the question does not make any sense at all, Gen Z will find it humorous and laugh about it for hours. It is just another Gen Z thing that Millenials or Gen X will never understand.

19. Guide To Technology

A guide showing what to do when Boomers cannot solve some technological problems.
Source : reddit

The meme is Depicted as a guidebook for solving technological problems for Boomers. The guide style meme suggests Boomers approach a child (Gen Z) after they encounter some minor issues like converting a Word file into a PDF file. This meme is hilarious as most Gen Z grew up helping their parents and the older generation solve minor issues and teaching them about technology.

20. Setting Up The Alarm

A scenario faced by every Gen Z while trying to sleep at night
Source : reddit

Every Gen Z can relate to the meme shown above. Whenever Gen Z try to go to sleep at night they always forgot if they set the alarm for the next morning and despite being convinced they have set it, Gen Z is tricked by their brain to do a re-check.

21. Fast And Furious

Fast and Furious film makers trying to fit the Family into their movies.
Source : reddit

The meme shows Fast and Furious film franchise makers trying to fit their Family theme into the movies by taking out the physics. This is a sarcastic meme trying to convey that the stunts performed in the film are not permitted by physics but the important thing as the film suggests is Family. It does not make any sense but trust me, the meme is very funny for Gen Z.

22. Joe Biden

Joe Biden being himself for once.
Source : pinterest

The meme or the sentence written on it does not make any sense like Joe Biden's speeches and sentences. This meme cracks up any Gen Z as they struggle to find sense in the speech of Joe Biden and the meme closely resembles his sentences.

23. I Am A Surgeon

A scene from ABC drama Good Doctor shows Freddie Highmore portraying his character Dr. Sean Austin during an emotional scene.
Source : reddit

I Am A Surgeon is a relatively new meme on the internet with it being popular in the last few weeks. The meme is funny once the pretext is laid straight, the scene is from the ABC drama Good Doctor which shows Dr. Sean Austin (Freddie Highmore) explaining he is a surgeon and capable of surgery despite being autistic.

The scene was discovered by the non-fan of the series and made into a TikTok video increasing the popularity of the show drastically. Since the initial clip's release on the internet, the scene has been made into several memes and it is going out of hand. The particular one shown above relates to a person from the medieval period saying he is a surgeon after performing a risky and stupid medical practice on people.

24. Checkmate

A chess board showing Checkmate.
Source : instagram

The image is an interactive meme where the audience has to figure out the ending by themself making it more humorous. The image shows a Checkmate and Australian people tend to use the words Check and Mate often, making it a funny meme.

25. Chairs And Mattresses

Thrown chair and mattress with puns written on them.
Source : pinterest

Chair and Mattress with puns written on them. The chair has "Couldn't Chair Less" which sounds like "Couldn't Care Lee" and the mattress has "Nothing Else Mattress" which sounds like "Nothing Else Matters."

26. Man Needs Name

An image showing a Starbucks employee as Faceless Men from Game of Thrones
Source : pinterest

The meme is a pop-culture reference from the popular HBO series Game of Thrones. The man shown in the picture is known as Faceless Men in the series and he is a trained assassin who kills anyone but others need to give him the name of his target.

The meme becomes humorous as Starbucks employees ask for the name of the person for whom the drink is intended for to consume as the Faceless Men asks for the name of his target.

27. Khaleesi

Actress Emilia Clarke seen portraying her character of Daenerys Targaryen also known as Khaleesi in Game of Thrones
Source : pinterest

The image shows Emila Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen also known as Khaleesi by the Dothorakis in Game of Thrones. In the first picture, her eyes are not covered by her hair meaning she can see easily, hence, Khaleesi (Khalee See). In the second picture, her eyes are covered by her hair meaning she would not be able to see, hence, Khalicantsi (Khalee Can't See).

28. Winter Is Coming

Ned Stark getting confused about the winter.
Source : pinterest

The character shown in the meme is Ned Stark from Game of Thrones. His favorite line in the series is proclaiming "Winter Is Coming" however, he appears to be confused with the dropping and rising of temperature in autumn just before the winter arrives. His character personality and confusion make the meme funny for Gen Z.

29. Reading From Notification

Patrick from SpongeBob SquarePants looking with an evil eyes.
Source : pinterest

The above-shown meme is one of the most relatable memes for Gen Z. As Gen Z often avoid contact and conversations, they tend to read messages from the Notification and avoid replying for hours if anything is not important. The evil look the cartoon character is giving relates to Gen Z defying the obligation of replying after reading a message.

30. Watch To Find Out Yourself

Boomer Humor VS Millennial Humor VS Gen Z Humor

Boomers VS Millennials VS Gen Z have different types of humor and often get confused. Gen Z laughs at everything while Boomers struggle to understand memes.

Boomers are people born between 1946 and 1964. They are between 58 and 76 years old as of 2023 and they make up 20% of the total population in the United States of America. Boomers are also called Baby Boomers and they are children of mostly the Silent Generation while some have parents from The Great Generation as well.

Their humor has a totally different approach as compared to Millennials or Gen Z. According to Medium, Boomers' humor often comes from technological advancement (or their lack of technological knowledge), their long marriages and spouses, and their succeeding generation and their traits.

Boomers often find humor in making jokes about their spouses whom they have been married to for decades now, they often show dark humor based on making fun of women and children. Baby Boomers also get their dose of humor from the stupidity (in their thought) of the newer generations as well.

Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996. They are 27 to 42 years old, and they can relate to humor from the past and understand some of Gen Z humor as well. In fact, Gen Z and Millennials only have a thin boundary separating their generational humor.

According to INC Magazine, Millennials' humor is also based on the three pillars of modern social media memes, Absurdity, Universality, and Self-Depreciation. Although Gen Z humor is also based primarily on these three foundations, they adapt to fast-paced social media culture more easily distinguishing Gen Z from Millennials.

While the older humor relating to puns, punch lines, wit, and sarcasm still holds strong, they have been heavily modified to become more absurd over time by Gen Z and Millennials. A sweet example of a Millennial humor with all the qualities from the Gen Z meme can be,

A side by side comparison image of Gollum from Lord of the Rings with left one without makeup and right one with full makeup.
Source : facebook

Gen Z Memes vs Millenial Memes

Memes only Gen Z will understand differentiate from the memes of Millenials. The two generations only have a thin border between their humor.

Funny Millennial memes often include their struggles in the workplace and trying to adapt to the quickly changing technology despite them being familiar for decades now.

We have already covered memes gen z would laugh at in our previous section, we will now look at some memes related to Millennials.

1. Emails Without Attachments

The meme shows classic Millennial struggle of sending an email with an attchment.
Source : reddit

The meme above shows the workplace struggle of Millennials in sending an email. Although the generation is well capable of writing and sending an email, they sometimes miss small details like attaching important attachments. As most people from the generation have done this mistake at least once in their life, they find the meme relatable and completely aligned with their humor level.

2. Day Off Plans

A meme relatable to Millennials about Day-off activities.
Source : pinterest

The above meme shows Millennials' plans for the day off and what they end up doing at the end. This meme is also very relatable to all the working-class millennials as they often spend an entire week planning an exciting activity on their weekend but end up spending the entire weekend in their bed while watching television alone.

3. Interstellar Meme

A meme made on template of the film Interstellar where the characters visit another planet with significantly shorter time.
Source : instagram

The meme shows Millennials not loving to work at their workplace. The meme is taken from the film Interstellar when the characters from the film visit another planet where time moves by really really slow relative to Earth due to the gravitational forces. In short, the meme depicts time going by really slowly inside the office as compared to the outside world showing dissatisfaction with work.

4. Calling In Sick

A meme template of the popular chef Salt Bae sprinkling salt on stake in his signature style.
Source : instagram

Every Millennial has at least done it once. As all of them are now working in different places, sometimes they take time off by calling in sick. However, if you are faking your sickness, you must add an extra cough to make it more believable.

5. Work From Home

A meme showing Work from Home scenario face by many employees during the pandemic
Source : instagram

The pandemic was horrible but it also paved the way for Work from Home culture in corporations. While some employees genuinely put their work into the company during work from home, others had their time (including me). The meme captures the moments when you are out during your work hours and your boss actually asks for work to be done as soon as possible.

From the above examples of Millennial memes, we understand their humor is much more focused on the work environment than Gen Z's pop culture reference. However, both Gen Z and Millennials share the basic three principal of humor together.

Read Further: Here Are 50 Funny Homeschool Mom Memes