Special Days

Healthcare Holidays And Observances Calendar 2024

By FamilywaveTeam | Jul 22, 2024

Source : theconcordinsider

Health is the state of being physically and mentally fit and an integral part of life. Health holidays and observation days help raise awareness regarding different health issues. These awareness days, months, or even weeks let people know that they are not alone in their journey.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations wish every individual, community, and organization to educate others with authentic data and information regarding health issues. Adapting to healthy eating habits and lifestyles helps create a healthier community. We have listed the health holidays and observance days below.

1. World Cancer Day: February 4

Source : pexels

World Cancer Day is observed on Sunday, 4th February 2024. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the USA. The theme for this day is Close The Care Gap which started in 2022 and remains the same till 2024.

This day is an initiative of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). On this day people from different communities come together to help raise awareness of cancer and encourage its prevention through a healthy lifestyle and early treatment.

2. World Tuberculosis Day: March 24

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World TB Day in 2024 falls on Sunday, March 24. This is one of the 8 official campaigns for global public health marked by the World Health Organization. On March 24, 1882, Dr. Robert Koch announced his discovery of bacteria causing tuberculosis. Since then World TB Day has been celebrated on the same day.

TB is the 13th major cause of death and a total of 1.6 million people died from TB in 2021. This day aims to raise awareness regarding Tuberculosis and gives hope that one day the global TB epidemic will end.

3. World Kidney Day: March 14

Source : twitter

World Kidney Day is observed on the second Thursday of March every year. In the year 2024, it falls on Thursday, March 14. The kidney plays an important role in filtering waste products and balances the fluid in our body.

This day aims to raise awareness regarding kidney health by providing valuable information on how to prevent kidney disease. On this day we can also find health camps that focus on screening kidney health.

4. World Down Syndrome Day: March 21

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World Down Syndrome Day is observed on Thursday, 21st March 2024. This is a worldwide awareness initiative that has been supported by the United Nations. Down syndrome is caused by an error in cell division resulting in an extra copy of chromosome 21.

Around 3000-5000, children are born with this genetic disorder each year. This day celebrates people with Down syndrome and also aims to raise awareness regarding it by providing valuable information.

5. American Diabetes Alert Day: March 26

Source : facebook

Healthcare observes American Diabetes Alert Day on the fourth Tuesday of March each year. This year this observance day falls on March 26, 2024. Diabetes is a common problem among Americans that impacts approximately 34.2 million and this particular day encourages the public to take diabetes seriously and get themselves aware of it. 

This day raises awareness regarding how to manage Type 1 diabetes and how to prevent Type 2 diabetes. This may be common in people but we can control diabetes by eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle.

6. World Health Day: April 7

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In 2024 World Health Day falls on Sunday, 7th April. It marks the 76th founding year of the World Health Organization. The day is celebrated to aware the public regarding the importance of good health.

This day is organized by the World Health Organization and is dedicated to raising consciousness about global health issues. It is an opportunity for individuals to come together and work towards addressing the challenges faced in obtaining good health.

7. World Alzheimer's Day: September 21

Source : instagram

In 2024, World Alzheimer's Day which is observed on September 21st every year falls on a Saturday. More than 6 million Americans of all ages are living with Alzheimer's dementia, and over 55 million people are affected by this terrible disease all over the world.

This campaign focuses on warning people about Alzheimer's disease and its impact. It helps in spreading awareness of the early signs of dementia and encourages the fight against the stigma related to this disease.

8. World AIDS Day: December 1

Source : freepik

AIDS is a life-threatening condition caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. In 2024, World AIDS  Day falls on December 1 which appears to be Friday. At the end of 2022, around 39 million were suffering from HIV. In the U.S. alone, roughly 1.2 million people have HIV and about 13 percent of people have no idea about it.

This day is observed to support people suffering from HIV/AIDS and remember those who lost their precious life to AIDS. To avoid getting HIV, one should practice safe sexual intercourse, use sterilized needles, and get tested for sexually transmitted diseases time and again.

9. World Mental Health Day: October 10

Source : instagram

World Health Organization observes World Mental Health Day on Thursday, October 10, 2024. 1 in every 8 people around the world was found to suffer from mental disorders in 2019. Anxiety and depression were found to be the most common mental health issues among those people.

This day aims to educate the public regarding mental health and to treat it as a physical health problem. It brings people together to fight against stigma related to mental health and celebrates people who are bravely battling with this issue.

10. International Day Against Breast Cancer: October 19

Source : instagram

International Day Against Breast Cancer is observed on October 19. In 2024, this day falls on Saturday. Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in women. About 2.3 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020.

This day is observed to celebrate breast cancer survivors and support those who are suffering from it. We can educate people about the early signs and symptoms of the disease and the importance of cancer screening through various talk sessions and events.

11. World Hepatitis Day: July 28

Source : instagram

This year World Hepatitis Day takes place on Sunday, July 28, 2024. Hepatitis is a viral infection that can cause inflammation of the liver and can damage the body's organs. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 350 million people are suffering from this viral disease. 

This day is specially designed to raise awareness and educate people about the adverse effects of viral hepatitis. To avoid getting hepatitis, we can follow a healthy lifestyle and get immunized.

12. World Lung Cancer Day: August 1

Source : facebook

World Lung Cancer Day is marked on Thursday, 1st August 2024. Lung cancer is the second-leading cancer in the world and causes about 1 in 5 of all cancer deaths. According to the American Cancer Society, there are about 238,340 new cases of lung cancer are there in the United States and about 127,070 deaths from lung cancer have been recorded.

This day is observed to encourage people to adopt a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking, and be aware of the impact of this disease. You can distribute pamphlets, organize cancer screening camps, and help your community lead a healthy life.

13. World Heart Day: September 29

Source : instagram

World Heart Day is celebrated on Sunday, September 29, 2024. Our heart plays an important role in pumping blood around our body. Cardiovascular diseases are the top health issue leading to death in the U.S.

This day aims to raise awareness regarding cardiovascular disease by providing valuable information on how to care for your heart. On this day we can also find health camps that focus on screening our heart health. If we eat healthy and stay active, we can help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

14. World Pneumonia Day: November 12

Source : netmeds

World Pneumonia Day is celebrated on Tuesday, November 19, 2024. Pneumonia is an infection caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi that affect our lungs. In 2019, 2.5 million people lost their lives to pneumonia all over the world.

This day aims to raise awareness regarding the disease by providing valuable information on its prevention, causes, and treatment. On this day, we can also find camps that focus on educating the public about the pneumococcal vaccine which can help prevent pneumonia.

15. World Diabetes Day: November 14

Source : freepik

In 2024, World Diabetes Day is celebrated on Thursday, November 14. Globally around 422 million people are living with diabetes. And many people are still unaware of it.

This day is designed to raise awareness regarding diabetes and its effects by providing valuable information on its symptoms, and complications. On this day we can also find health camps that focus on screening our sugar level. Diabetes can affect other parts like the kidneys, eyes, heart and even cause nerve damage. So, it is very important to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

16. World Thyroid Day: May 25

Source : entspecialist

This is a health awareness day observed on May 25 every year. In 2024 World Thyroid Day falls on Saturday. According to the American Thyroid Association, roughly 20 million Americans have some form of this disease, and around 60 percent are unaware of their condition.

World Thyroid Day is designed to educate people about this disease, diagnosis, treatment, and complications. Since the thyroid gland plays an important role in regulating metabolism one should take their symptoms very seriously.

17. World Obesity Day: March 4

Source : yourcareeverywhere

Obesity is a condition where excess fat is accumulated in the body. According to WHO, more than 1 billion people are obese and the number is increasing. This condition leads to serious health complications such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

To create awareness regarding obesity and educate people on Body Mass Index (BMI) and the importance of a healthy diet, the day is observed on March 4 every year. This year, it falls on a Monday.

18. World PCOS Day: September 1

Source : sofreshnsogrecom

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a common hormonal imbalance caused in women. In this condition, the ovaries produce a large amount of male androgen hormones in women. It leads to an irregular menstrual cycle, cysts in ovaries, excessive hair growth, fertility problems, weight gain, and so on.

September 1 marks the start of PCOS awareness month and is also observed as World PCOS Day. This day is designed to aware people of the disease and support those who are battling it bravely. It is a day to celebrate and support the cysters all around the world.

19. World Arthritis Day: October 12

Source : zandupainrelief

Arthritis is a disease that causes inflammation, pain, and stiffness in your joints. In the United States, around 58.5 million people have arthritis. It is a leading cause of work disability.

World Arthritis Day is celebrated on 12 October every year to create awareness about the disease and its impact on lives. This day is designed to educate the general public about the symptoms, preventive steps, and treatment of the disease.

20. World Polio Day: October 24

Source : instagram

Polio is a life-threatening disease caused by the polio virus which affects the spinal cord of a person, leading to paralysis. World Polio Day is observed on October 24 every year. In 2024, this day falls on a Thursday.

This day is dedicated to raising awareness of Polio and the importance of polio vaccination to protect children from this deadly disease. It is a global initiative that brings communities together to eradicate Polio for good.

Other Health Awareness Days

Source : instagram

21. Men's Health Week (June 12–18)

22. World Breastfeeding Week (August 1–7)

23. International Overdose Awareness Day (August 31)

24. National Suicide Prevention Week (September 10–16)

25. Global Handwashing Day (October 15)

26. International Nurses Day (May 12)

27. National Doctors Day (March 30)

28. Stress Awareness Month (April)

29. Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Week (December 1–7)

30. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Awareness Month (November)

31. World Pancreatic Cancer Day (November 16)

32. Respiratory Care Week (October 20–26)

33. Malnutrition Awareness Week (September 16–20)

34. International Overdose Awareness Day (August 31)

35. National HIV Testing Day (June 27)

Also Read: US Federal Holidays And Observances In 2024