Special Days

50+ Fun Pride Month Trivia Questions And Answers 2023

By FamilywaveTeam | Jul 22, 2024

People participate in a Pride Parade with a sign reading Pride made with balloons representing the Rainbow Flag.
Source : pinterest

Pride month trivia questions and answers are perfect to test your knowledge about the LGBTQ community. Learn some fun facts about pride month with us here.

June is celebrated annually as a Pride month to honor the members of the LGBTQ community and remember the1969 riot at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan, New York.

The riot is also credited as the starting point of gay activism in the United States of America.

The full month of June is dedicated to the celebration of pride, which features several parades worldwide.

Brazil has the largest Pride Parade record, while most of the large cities in the United States of America have also organized parades every year.

The first Pride month was celebrated in June 1970 to mark the one year anniversary of the Stonewall Riot.

In 1999, President  Bill Clinton declared June as the Pride Month in the United States of America for Gay and Lesbian, which was later amended by President Barack Obama in 2011 to accommodate all the LGBT members.

Fun facts about Pride Month:

In 2017, Donald Trump discontinued federal recognition of Pride Month in the United States only to re-recognize through a Tweet and later made a presidential proclamation in 2019.

The month is now celebrated all around the world.

Here are some LGBT pop culture trivia questions with their answers to test your knowledge ahead of the celebration in 2023.

Pride Month Trivia Questions And Answers

Pride quiz questions and answers reveal fun facts about the LGBT community. In 2023, biggest festivals are organized worldwide.

1. Question: When did Pride Month become a thing?

  • Answer: June 1970

2. Question: Which country was the first to lawfully establish same-gender marriage?

  • Answer: The Netherlands

3. Question: How many colors are there in a Pride Flag?

  • Answer: Eight (hot pink, red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, indigo, and violet)

4. Question: Who was the first openly gay Black actor to win an Emmy?

  • Answer: Billy Porter

5. Question: Where was the Stonewall Inn Located?

  • Answer: Greenwich Village, New York City

6. Question: When did the Stonewall Riot take place?

  • Answer: June 28, 1969.

7. Question: Why is June selected to be the pride month?

  • Answer: Pride Month is celebrated in June to honor the June 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan

8. Question: In the United States, when is the "National Coming Out Day" celebrated?

  • Answer: October 11

9. Question: Which female activist is popularly regarded as "The Mother Of Pride"?

  • Answer: Brenda Howard

A black and white portrait of Brenda Howard who is often referred to as
Source : instagram

10. Question: How many years was Oscar Wilde sentenced behind bars for the crime of "Homosexuality?"

  • Answer: For 2 years

11. Question: What does the orange color in Pride Flag represent?

  • Answer: Healing

12. Question: Which country has the record of holding the largest pride parade?

  • Answer: Brazil

13. Question: Who designed the pride flag?

  • Answer: Gilbert Baker

14. Question: When was the Rainbow Pride Flag first used?

  • Answer: June 25, 1978

15. Question: Where was the Rainbow Pride Flag first used?

  • Answer: San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade

16. Question: The activist group Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR) was led by which activists?

  • Answer: Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson

17. Question: Which television show featured the largest number of the transgender cast in history?

  • Answer: Pose (2018 - 2021)

18. Question: Which state became the first to legalize civil unions for same-sex couples?

  • Answer: Vermont

19. Question: Which United States of America government employee was fired for being openly gay?

  • Answer: Frank Kameny

Frank Kameny wears a garland of colorful flowers during celebration of his last Pride Month in June 2010.
Source : twitter

20. Question: The activist group AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) was founded by which activist?

  • Answer: Larry Kramer

21. Question: When was the first protest for gay and lesbian rights?

  • Answer: July 4, 1965

22. Question: Where was the first protest for gay and lesbian rights?

  • Answer: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

23. Question: Which of the following show aired the first-ever same-sex marriage on American television?

  • Answer: Friends

24. Question: What does the Yellow color in Pride Flag represent?

  • Answer: Sunlight

25. Question: What does the Violet color in Pride Flag represent?

  • Answer: Spirit

26. Question: In which year did the first legal same-sex marriage take place in the United States?

  • Answer: 2004

27. Question: Which American president was the first to officially recognize Pride Month?

  • Answer: Bill Clinton

28. Question: Which was the first American novel to touch on the subject of homosexuality?

  • Answer: Joseph and His Friend

29: Question: Who is the first openly gay CEO of a prominent multinational company?

  • Answer: Tim Cook (Apple)

30. Question: How many countries have legalized same-sex marriage?

  • Answer: 30

31. Question: For most of the 20th century, many researchers often associated homosexuality with what?

  • Answer: Upbringing

32. Question: Maureen Colquhoun became the first openly gay member of the parliament of the United Kingdom in 1974 when she came out as what?

  • Answer: A Lesbian

33. Question: Which was the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage in 2019?

  • Answer: Taiwan

34. Question: When did the first same-sex marriage take place in the United Kingdom?

  • Answer: 2014

35. Question: During WWI, gay people were required to put on which symbol in Nazi concentration camps?

  • Answer: A Pink Triangle

Harry Styles wears a Bisexual Pride Flag during a stage performance.
Source : twitter

36. Question: Which country became the first one in the world to elect an openly gay politician as head of government?

  • Answer: Iceland

37. Question: Which three colors make up the Bisexual Pride Flag?

  • Answer: Pink, Purple, and Blue

38. Question: What year was homosexuality decriminalized in the UK?

  • Answer: 1967

39. Question: Which UK city is generally considered to be the unofficial Gay capital in the country?

  • Answer: Brighton and Hove

40. Question: Who was the first-ever winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race?

  • Answer: BeBe Zahara Benet

41. Question: The Asexual Pride flag is composed of what color stripes?

  • Answer: Black, Grey, White, and Purple

42. Question; Which dance craze made mainstream by gay icon Madonna originated in the LGBT+ underground ball culture?

  • Answer: Vogue (Dance)

43. Question: In 2016, which British Olympic team featured the first married, same-sex couple winning a gold medal?

  • Answer: Hockey

44. Question: Who are the same-sex couple winning a gold medal with the British Olympic Hockey team in 2016?

  • Answer: Kate and Helen Richardson-Walsh

Kate and Helen Richardson-Walsh wearing Pink and Blue dress respectively.
Source : twitter

45. Question: Who was the first openly gay person to win an Oscar?

  • Answer: Sir John Gielgud

46. Question: Which oasis in early modern Egypt was a hotspot of homosexuality in Egypt?

  • Answer: Siwa Oasis

47. Question: Under its new Penal Code of 1791, which European country was the first to decriminalize homosexuality?

  • Answer: France

48. Question: In what year did the American Psychological Association remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders?

  • Answer: 1973

49. Question: Which gay African-American author wrote: "The Fire Next Time?"

  • Answer: James Baldwin

50. Question: In 2014, this Canadian city hosted the WorldPride event, marking the first time a North American city held the event. What lucky city was that?

  • Answer: Toronto

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Bonus Questions

# Why do we celebrate Pride Month?

  • Answer: Pride month is celebrated annually in June to honor the movement of LGBTQ+ rights and culture. The month is being celebrated starting from 1970.
    The first pride month was celebrated to mark the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall Inn riot and the tradition has continued since.

# How to celebrate Pride Month at work?

  • Answer: Pride Month can be celebrated at the workplace by encouraging employees to share their pronouns, attending a workshop about the LGBTQ+ community, creating virtual or physical rainbow backdrops for the workplace, or simply donating to LGBTQ+ activist organizations.

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