
100+ Deep Conversation Starters For Couples

By Familywave Team Published on Sep 30, 2024

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You might think that friendship is the foundation for a good relationship, but in fact, it is communication. Talking is really important for building good relationships. While small talk can help you get started, deeper conversations help you understand others and yourself better.

If you want a close, emotional connection with someone, it's important to have serious and meaningful talks. There are lots of questions to ask. But you should choose the type of questions that feel right to you. To help couples get to know each other better, here is a list of over 100 questions you can ask your partner.

Conversation To Understand Each Other

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Understanding your partner is really important. It helps you get to know them better and connect more easily. Here are some questions that can help you understand your partner on a deeper level:

1. What have you found most important for us in having a relationship?

2. What impact do you feel you have actually developed in the ten years?

3. What are future plans for your financial prospects or funding requirements?

4. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

5. What are your personal goals; how do you perceive success in your professional life?

6. What moment from our relationship do you value the most?

7. What is your biggest fear regarding our relationship?

8. How do you show gratitude in your daily life?

9. What qualities do you admire most in other people?

10. How do you want to be remembered?

11. What changed in you after we met?

12. What's a fear of mine that you wish you could take away?

13. What's a fear you have about us that you haven't told me yet?

14. What do you think makes a long-term relationship successful?

15. What's a dream you have for our future that you haven't shared with me yet?

16. What's something you are proud of, but never get to brag about?

17. What do you value most about our relationship?

18. What legacy do we want to leave behind as a couple?

19. What are some goals we should set as a couple this year?

20. How can we keep our relationships adventurous and spontaneous as time goes on?

Conversation About Love & Relationship

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Asking about love and relationships isn’t very common when you are dating that person. But there are times when you wish we could make our relationship better. It is in those moments that these questions will come in handy.

21. What is your main love language? How important is it for you to be loved that way?

22. Do you believe it is possible to forget a first love completely?

23. When was your first heartbreak? What was it like?

24. What would be the one thing about this relationship that you would want to change if you got the chance?

25. What according to you should an ideal love relationship look like?

26. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be and why?

27. What are the qualities that an ideal mate should possess?

28. Do you think people fall in love because they have found the right person, or does the person become right after falling in love?

29. In a partner, what are the least appealing traits?

30. What will you do in the future, if our life objectives don't align?

31. Do you have anything that you want to ask me but are afraid to?

32. Suppose your friends and family do not like me, how would you tackle the situation?

33. Do you think it is necessary to tell your current partner/me about the things that happened in the past?

34. If I have too many flaws, what would be your reaction?

35. Do you have any deep secret that I am still unaware of?

36. If you were ever asked to describe your relationship with your friends, how would you do it?

37. What is one trait in me that attracts you the most but is very normal?

38. What are your expectations from me?

39. Once broken, do you think the relationship can be built again?

40. If you ever have a major conflict with me over some petty reasons, how would you want me to handle it, and how would you want to handle it?

Conversations About Past

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Many believe it's best to leave the past behind and concentrate on the present. However, our past experiences usually determine who we are now.

Want to have meaningful talks with your partner without feeling too heavy? Here are some questions you could ask:

41. Everyone has their ups and downs. What's your highest and lowest point in your life?

42. What would it be if you could erase one memory from your past and why?

43. Do you have any regrets in life? If so, what is your biggest regret?

44. What would it be if given a chance to fix any of your past mistakes?

45. What is something that you can never forgive yourself for?

46. What do you feel is the greatest accomplishment in your life to date?

47. Do you have someone you no longer speak to, but wish you had them in your life?

48. What are you extremely proud of, and why?

49. What is that one thing, that has shaped you into being you?

50. Have you ever hurt someone in the name of having fun?

51. What is the biggest risk that you have ever taken? Was it worth it?

52. What is something that you have always wanted to achieve but haven't been able to achieve?

53. If you had the chance to go back into your past, not correct the mistakes, but live it again, would you do it?

54. Describe the most embarrassing moment in your life and how you deal with it.

55. Have you ever woken up the whole night by remembering your past mistakes?

Conversations About Life

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If you want to know how your partners see life and their experiences, here are some questions that can help you have a deep and meaningful conversation.

56. In your entire life, what is the most beautiful situation that you have ever faced?

57. If money didn't matter, what is the first thing that you would do?

58. What is something that you believe changed your life completely?

59. How would you use a second chance if you could get it?

60. If you had the option to live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live?

61. What does your dream life look like?

62. 5 years from now on, where do you want to see yourself?

63. What are the top three things on your bucket list?

64. If you could know one thing about your future life, what would you want to know?

65. What are your biggest goals for the current year?

66. What is one of the best life advice that someone has ever given to you?

67. If you only had 1 year to live, what are the things that you would want to do at that period?

68. Would you do anything against your ethics and values to earn more money?

69. If you had the chance to talk to one dead person, who would it be and what would you talk about?

70. What would you choose between money and fame?

Conversations About Childhood

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The experiences we have when we are young stay with us for life. A joyful childhood helps us become better adults, however, a strict childhood might leave some of us feeling a bit sad and can impact certain aspects of our grown-up lives.

If you are curious about your partner's childhood and don't know where to start, the questions below can help you begin the conversation. Give them a try!

71. What is your favorite childhood memory?

72. If you get the chance to be a kid again, would you do it?

73. How did your childhood experiences shape you?

74. What was your dream when you were a child?

75. If you could change one thing about your childhood, what would it be?

76. What was the naughtiest thing that you did when you were a kid?

77. Did you have any biggest fear as a child? Do you still fear that thing?

78. Did you grow up in a city or a village and what was it like?

79. What was it like being the oldest/middle/youngest/only child in your home?

80. What is the most important thing that you learned in your childhood?

81. Did you face any unforgettable trauma during your childhood?

82. Which life would you prefer? Being a child or an adult?

83. What is one piece of advice that you would give to your 5-year-old self?

84. What are the rules that you had to follow in your household when you were a child that you didn't like?

85. What was your favorite Disney/Cartoon character during your childhood? Do you still love them?

Conversations For Long Distance

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Are you experiencing love in its purest form ie; long distance? If yes, you must be wondering how to have deep conversations with your partner through video calls and text messages.

To reduce your worry, here we have brought some questions that can be a great starter for deep conversations even over texts and video calls.

86. What can we do to strengthen our bond despite the distance?

87. Since there is this huge distance between us, what can I do to make you feel safe and loved in our relationship?

88. Is there anything in particular that makes you miss me more?

89. If we could drive anywhere right now, where would you want to go and why?

90. What do you appreciate the most about this distance?

91. How do you prefer spending your weekends?

92. What is one of the most special things about our relationship that you never had experienced before?

93. What should we do the next time we meet each other?

94. When you think about your last meeting, how does it make you feel?

95. Five years from now on, how do you picture our life?

Other Random Conversations

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Sometimes we don't want to talk about particular topics like family, past, or childhood, and look for random topics. If you are also in search of random deep questions to start a conversation, we have got it covered.

Here, we have a list of questions that may be useful for you.

96. If you ever be famous, what do you think you will be recognized for?

97. Can you share a really awkward pickup line someone used on you and how you reacted?

98. What was your first impression of me? What assumption that you had made about me proved to be wrong?

99. What is one of the worst dates that you have ever been to?

100. What would you most regret not telling someone if you were to disappear today without a chance to speak with anyone?

101. If today were your last day, would you feel proud of all you have achieved?

102. What can I do to help you when you are having a tough day, feeling stressed, or upset?

103. If you ever win a big lottery, how will you spend the prize money?

104. When was the last time you cried, and why did it happen?

105. What are the three most important things you feel thankful for in your life?

106. If you could learn any skill in the world, what would it be and why?

107. Have you ever done anything under the influence of other people? What was it?

108. What does the word happiness bring to your mind?

109. If you could do any job in the world, what would it be and why?

110. If your life was a movie, how long would it be and what would be its name?

111. How do you think technology affects relationships today?

112. Have you done anything under the influence of other people? What was it?

113. How can I support you when you are having a bad day, stressed, or upset?

114. What makes you feel most loved and desired by me?

115. How can we create a judgment-free space to discuss our sexual desires and concerns?

116. How can we prioritize intimacy amidst our busy schedules?

117. What are some of our favorite memories of our passionate moments?