
100+ Best Questions To Ask A Guy To Know Him Deeper

By Familywave Team Published on Sep 30, 2024

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Communication has always been the key to any relationship. So, considering good communication can be one of the best ideas to create a perfect foundation for personal and intimate relationships. In your dating era, whether you are a guy or a girl, asking questions before and after you start dating someone is a great way to get to know them better. But wait not the awkward one?

If you are wondering what kinds of questions are appropriate to ask a guy, we've got you covered here. We have come up with over 100 plus questioning ideas. These questions will help you learn what drives him, what he values, and more. So, get ready to have some meaningful conversations and skip small talk.

Questions To Ask A Guy Before Dating

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Before dating a guy, it is necessary to know many things about the person you are going to date. This helps you determine whether he is the perfect date for you. For your ease, here are some questions that you can ask him before dating:

1. What is your stance on commitment?

2. How long would you wait to move in with your pair once you two started dating?

3. Would you rank me as your number one priority?

4. Before entering a relationship with you, what information do you think a potential partner should be aware of about you?

5. Are you in a relationship with anyone else?

6. How did your most recent relationship go?

7. What are your thoughts on committed relationships?

8. What similarities do you believe we share?

9. What do you think matters most in a relationship?

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10. How do you really feel about me?

11. How do you describe your ideal partner?

12. How do you feel about dating more than one person at once?

13. What comes to mind when you consider me and your future?

14. Do you hope to marry in the future?

15. Regarding the state of our relationship, what are your thoughts?

16. When does a relationship become exclusive in your opinion?

17. What kind of communication works best for you?

Questions To Ask A Man On The First Date

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After deciding to date him, these simple queries will help you to know him better. Additionally, you might consider several date ideas that can create a relaxed environment for conversation.

18. Do you find dating enjoyable? 

19. Right now, what do you want from a dating relationship?

20. What qualities in a pair are important to you?

21. What does being in a relationship mean to you?

22. Which language is your love language?

23. Do you think that there are soul mates?

24. Which would you rather do, phone calls or texts?

25. What kinds of things end a relationship for you?

26. How would you go about defining the relationship?

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27. What three things would you wish upon if you could?

28. What social topic do you strongly believe in?

29. What do you personally mean by friendship?

30. What is your favorite way to flirt?

31. Do you regularly discuss your feelings with others?

32. In a relationship, how do you show love?

33. What values and priorities do you have in life?

34. What is your opinion on the concept of world travel?

35. What personal objectives are you currently pursuing?

Deep Questions To Ask Men

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If you're looking for questions to start a new relationship or want to explore more deeply, these are great questions to ask a guy.

36. How would you use a single-second chance if you could?

37. What fears you the most?

38. Who has most inspired you?

39. Which aspect of your life is the most crucial?

40. What is the one thing you regret most?

41. In what way do you feel most valued?

42. What has been the most difficult experience you have ever had?

43. In your opinion, is lying ever acceptable?

44. Is it okay to feel jealous in a relationship?

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45. What does it mean when you say "I love you" to someone?

46. Is divorce acceptable in your opinion?

47. Do you wish to resemble your parents in any way?

48. Which would you prioritize your family or your career?

49. If you had no worries about money, what would you be doing?

50. Which would you prefer your wife going to work or staying at home?

51. Would you tell your partner if you were in trouble?

52. In your life at this moment, what would you like to have less of?

Questions To Ask A Guy Over Text

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You can ask insightful and thought-provoking questions to a guy when you are messaging him instead of wasting time with simple and uninteresting ones.

53. Which part of your day did you like the most?

54. Which strangest event occurred to you this week?

55. What type of person are you more extroverted or introverted?

56. Which emoji is your favorite?

57. Would you rather go on food or activities dates?

58. Which genre of music do you prefer?

59. Which app is your most used one?

60. Which sign is your zodiac?

61. What is your ideal place to go on vacation?

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62. Did you grow up with any pets?

63. What is your life's motto?

64. Do you know how to speak any other languages?

65. Which meme is your favorite?

66. Which of your photos is the coolest?

67. Do you enjoy sports? Which team is your favorite?

68. Which fictional character is your favorite?

69. What was the name of your first job?

70. Which drink is your favorite?

Funny Questions To Ask A Guy

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Nothing strengthens a connection more than a good laugh. Therefore, these will not only enable you to learn more about him, but they will also make you both chuckle.

71. Who would you choose to switch lives with, if you could?

72. Which would you prefer the ability to read people's minds or to remain invisible?

73. What's the funniest drunken story you have?

74. What is the funniest reason you have turned down a date?

75. If you were stuck on a desert island, what three things would you want to bring with you?

76. Was there ever a night you went out and the next day you forgot everything that happened?

77. Which year would you visit if you could travel back in time?

78. What would you do first if you were a female for a day?

79. Could you tell me a really, dumb joke that has previously made you laugh?

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80. Have you ever tried a pickup line on someone and been successful?

81. What is the proper placement of toilet paper above or below?

82. Would you allow scientists to freeze you until they discovered a treatment if you had a rare illness?

83. In case of a zombie apocalypse, how would you fare?

84. Which of your past actions was the least professional?

85. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever looked up?

86. Which word do you consistently mispronounce?

87. How would you spend your time if you were never required to work again?

88. Which of your actions has embarrassed you the most?

Flirty Questions To Ask A Guy

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These incredible sets of questions and pickup lines are the best way to spot a flirty side in a guy.

89. What kind of date night do you prefer?

90. Do you think that love may exist at first sight?

91. When you close your eyes, what thoughts go through your mind?

92. Ever find yourself in a threesome?

93. What fantasies do you keep hidden?

94. Do you like to make the first move?

95. What was the first date you remember the most?

96. Which celebrity do you lust for?

97. Which is one thing you've wanted to share with me forever?

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98. Which pickup line is your best?

99.  What kind of wake-up call is most comfortable for you?

100. Which position is your favorite?

101. How did you find out that you liked me?

102. Do you have the courage to attempt new things?

103. Can you provide a massage well?

104. Which characteristics appeal to you?

105. Could you describe the ideal evening spent at home?

106. As soon as you saw me, what did you observe?

Questions To Ask A Guy On A Dating App

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Some of the questions you can ask a man while using a dating app are given below:

107. In a dating profile, what catches your attention?

108. Do you have any amusing stories about people you met through dating apps?

109. Which date was the worst one you have ever gone on?

110. Could you share your other social media accounts with me?

111. Regarding dating apps, what is your opinion?

112. What's currently on your mind?

113. Which recent article caught your attention the most?

114. Do you wish to get together?

115. Which of your recent hot takes are you finding controversial?

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116. Which attachment style do you have?

117. What is the one thing you could not survive without?

118. How does the ideal date seem to you?

119. Which date was the finest you've ever gone on?

120. Which quality do you wish you had?

121. Did you ever experience love?

122. Which random interest do you have a lot of?

123. What is the boldest action you have taken in the past?

124. Which event from this week caught your attention the most?

Random Questions To Know A Guy

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Another best option to know a man better is to ask him random questions. We have gathered the collection of questions in this block to make your task easier.

125. What is the kindest thing you have ever done?

126. Do you prefer reading or sports?

127. Where would you travel if you could go anyplace in the world?

128. Are there any shoes, watches, or artwork collections you own?

129. What's the first thing on your bucket list?

130. Which film have you seen more than ten times?

131. Did you ever back out on a date?

132. What was the last Google search you had done?

133. Which sense would you lose if you were to lose one?

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134. If you were in love, would you move abroad or travel?

135. Which would you prefer fame or wealth?

136. What would you change about yourself if you could only alter one thing?

137. What's the biggest risk you have ever taken?

138. Which do you prefer clubs or bars?

139. Do you think of yourself as romantic?

140. Which of your childhood memories is your favorite?

141. What quality in a woman do you find most desirable?

142. Which color is your favorite for the bike?

Serious Questions To Ask A Man

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These are the best questions to ask someone if you want to learn more about them than just the surface.

143. What in life do you feel most thankful for?

144. What is your greatest accomplishment to date?

145. In three years, where do you see yourself?

146. Do you think of yourself as someone who values family?

147. Are there any activities you enjoy?

148. What is the most generous thing you have ever received from a stranger?

149. What differentiates you from other people?

150. Do you engage in conflict?

151. What is one aspect of you that people consistently get wrong?

152. What career would you dream of having?

153. How would you sum yourself up in one word?

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154. When you're near me, how do you feel?

155. Do you prefer to hang out with friends or by yourself?

156. What is your longest phone-free period?

157. Where would you like to work after your studies are over?

158. What objectives are you currently pursuing?

159. What gives you a sense of security?

160. When you pass away, what do you want others to remember you for?

161. Which gender stereotype would you like to see disappear from society?

162. What genuinely brings you joy?

163. With whom do you feel most comfortable discussing your sentiments in your life?