Special Days

50 Flag Day Trivia Questions And Answers

By FamilywaveTeam | Jul 22, 2024

Flags of different countries around the world fly high under the blue sky.
Source : facebook

Flag Day Trivia Questions And Answers can be a fun way to test your knowledge regarding flags. The United States celebrates Flag Day on June 14 every year.

It is celebrated to commemorate the occasion of the Continental Congress passing The Flag Resolution on June 14, 1777, establishing thirteen red and white alternative stripes with thirteen white stars in a blue field as the official flag of the 13 United States of America.

In addition to flag day, US Army Birthday is also celebrated on June 14 every year after it was founded on the same date a year later in 1975.

Flag Day is observed by displaying the national flag of the United States of America in homes and government buildings throughout the country. President also issues a proclamation urging the people of the US to observe the day with enthusiasm.

Moreover, some organizations including The National Flag Day Foundation hold annual programs which include raising the flag of the US followed by a parade. Parades are held nationwide by different organizations and people to celebrate the day.

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Fun And Easy Flag Day Trivia Questions With Answers

Flag Day Trivia Questions And Answers include interesting facts about the flags of different countries. 

Fun facts about American flag is that it was designed by a 17-year-old high school student named Robert G. "Bob" Heft as a school project for which he received a B-.

The current flag has been flown since July 4, 1960, and contains 50 stars representing 50 states of the United States of America.

Here are some trivia questions to test your knowledge about flags.

1. Question: Which US president set aside a special day for honoring the flag?

  • Answer: Woodrow Wilson

2. Question: Which state became the first to honor Flag Day as a state holiday?

  • Answer: Pennsylvania

3. Question: Who first began promoting the idea of setting aside a day to honor the United States national flag?

  • Answer: Bernard Cigrand, A school teacher from Wisconsin.

4. Question: What year did the United States flag add its fiftieth star?

  • Answer: 1960

5. Question: How many red stripes and white stripes are there in a US Flag?

  • Answer: 7 Red and 6 White Stripes

The United States Flag flying on the side of a black vehicle.
Source : twitter

6. Question: What is the name of the creator of the current design of the US National Flag?

  • Answer: Robert G. "Bob" Heft

7. Question: How many countries in the world have square flags (not rectangles)?

  • Answer: Two (Vatican City and Switzerland)

8. Question: Canada has which leaf on its flag?

  • Answer: Maple Leaf

9. Question: How many colored rings does the Olympic flag have?

  • Answer: Five

10. Question: What is the name of the flag of the United Kingdom?

  • Answer: Union Jack

11. Question: How many stars are on the Chinese flag?

  • Answer: Five

12. Question: What three symbols appeared on the flag of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)?

  • Answer: Star, Hammer, and Sickle

13. Question: Which US State has a big red cross on a white background?

  • Answer: The State of Alabama

14. Question: What are the only two colors used in the flag of the state of New Mexico?

  • Answer: Yellow and Red

15. Question: What does an upside-down American flag mean in the military?

  • Answer: American flag upside down meaning (flying with the stars at the bottom) is a signal of dire distress for both Military and Civilians.

The United States Flag being flown upside down at a private residence.
Source : wisn

16. Question: Flag of which US State has a silhouette of an American bison?

  • Answer: The flag of Wyoming

17. Question: What three colors are used in the Flag of Texas?

  • Answer: White, Blue, and Red.

18. Question: Which is the only non-rectangular flag among the 50 US States?

  • Answer: The flag of Ohio

19. Question: Which US State uses the oldest flag?

  • Answer: The state of Hawaii, the flag was first adopted on December 29, 1845.

20. Question: Which US State uses the newest flag?

  • Answer: Mississippi, the flag was adopted on January 11, 2021.

21. Question: Which is the only US State with a two-sided flag?

  • Answer: Oregon

22. Question: What does waving a white flag represent?

  • Answer: Surrender

23. Question: What are the three colors on the flag of Germany?

  • Answer: Black, Red, and Gold

24. Question: What are the two main colors on the flag of Portugal (apart from the coat of arms)?

  • Answer: Red and Green

25. Question: Which is the only country to have a non-quadrilateral flag in the world?

  • Answer: Nepal

A little girl dresses in cultural outfit waves the Flag of Nepal.
Source : twitter

26. Question: What colors are the stripes on the flag of Uruguay?

  • Answer: Blue and white

27. Question: Which country has the oldest continuously used national flag in the World?

  • Answer: Denmark

28. Question: What was the name of the seamstress who made the first American flag?

  • Answer: Elizabeth Griscom Ross (Besty Ross).

29. Question: Which constellation is represented on the Australian flag?

  • Answer: The Southern Cross constellation

30. Question: Which country has an AK-47 on its flag?

  • Answer: Mozambique

31. Question: What is the study of flags called?

  • Answer: Vexillology

32. Question: What is the common feature on the national flags of all Nordic countries, including Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland?

  • Answer: They all feature a cross in the flags.

33. Question: What is the least common color on the national flags of countries around the world?

  • Answer: Purple

34. Question: What creature is on the flag of the Isle of Man?

  • Answer: A triskelion; made up of three armored legs with golden spurs

35. Question: What country has the map of the whole nation on its national flag?

  • Answer: Cyprus

Flag of Cyprus with the country's map made on a white background.
Source : twitter

36. Question: Which central African country has a bird on its flag?

  • Answer: Uganda

37. Question: Which animal is biting a snake in the center of the Mexican flag?

  • Answer: Eagle

38. Question: Which African country's flag features a shield and two crossed spears?

  • Answer: Kenya

39. Question: If you changed the background of the Bangladesh flag from green to white, it would be very similar to the flag of another country. What country will the new flag represent?

  • Answer: Japan

40. Question: Which country features a shipwreck on its national flag?

  • Answer: Bermuda

41. Question: If we turn the national flag of Poland upside down, which country’s flag would we get?

  • Answer: Indonesia and Monaco

42. Question: What differentiates the Indonesian and Monacon flags?

  • Answer: Indonesian and Monacon flags appear the same as they have red at the top and white at the bottom. The only difference is the aspect ratio, the Indonesian flag is 2:3 and the Monacon flag is 4:5.

43. What is the most common color on the national flags of countries around the world?

  • Answer: Red

44. Question: Romania shares an almost identical flag with which African country?

  • Answer: Chad

45. Question: What does a pirate flag have in the middle?

  • Answer: A skull with bones cross

A black pirate flag with skul flying in front of a white background.
Source : pinterest

46. Question: What color flag is waved to mark the end of a racing competition?

  • Answer: Black & White checkered flag

47. Question: What animal is on the flag of The Falkland Islands?

  • Answer: A Sheep

48. Question: Apart from Mauritania, the flag of one other country doesn't contain red, white, or blue? Which is it?

  • Answer: Jamaica

49. Question: Which creature is seen on the flag of Bhutan?

  • Answer: A Dragon

50. Question: What does the Galatic Empire's flag represent in Star Wars?

  • Answer: Galactic Republic's eight-spoked roundel.

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