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Blocked Or Just Busy? How To Tell If Someone Blocked Your Number

By Familywave Team Published on Sep 12, 2024

Source : pexels

In today's world, we rely heavily on texting and calling to stay connected. But what happens when your messages and calls aren't getting through? Is the person just busy, or have they blocked your number? It can be confusing and hurting. And it's obvious of being curious if someone really blocked you or anything else.

However, how do you know whether you are blocked or not? Some signs might help you figure it out. In this blog, we'll dive into the possible ways to tell if someone has blocked your number, how these signs differ from someone simply being busy, and what you can do about it.

How Do Phone Blocks Works?

Before we get into the signs, let's understand what happens when someone blocks your number. When you block a phone number, the person calling or texting you can't reach you. On their end, it may seem like the call rings once and then goes to voice mail, or their texts appear to go through without any response. But in reality, you never see their attempts to contact you. There may be several reasons why people block numbers, below you can see some common reasons:

  • Avoiding unwanted communication
  • Preventing spam calls or texts
  • Taking a break from someone or a relationship
  • Safety reasons or avoiding harassment

Signs That You Might Have Been Blocked

Blocking someone is a tool people use when they no longer want to be connected. Now, how can you tell if someone has done this to you? Here we have discussed some signs that show you might have been blocked.

1. Calls Going Straight to Voicemail

Normally, when you call someone you hear several rings, right? But, instead of that, you hear just one or none at all and the call goes directly to voicemail. This is one of the biggest signs that you may have been blocked. However, it's not always a surefire indicator. The person's phone could be off, in "Do Not Disturb" mode, or out of signal range.

If this happens repeatedly, and your attempts to contact them (like texts) are also failing, it could suggest they've blocked your number.

2. Text Messages Don't Get Delivered

Source : appleinsider

When you send a text message, you usually receive a delivery notification. If someone has blocked your number their phone will not receive your text. On iPhones, if someone blocks you, you will not see the "Delivered" or "Read" notification below the message shown in the above image, and on Android phones, your texts may seem to be sent but never get a response.

Keep in mind, though, that some people turn off these notifications, or have poor network service. But if your messages aren't getting through and you suspect blocking it's worth considering.

3. You Can't Reach Them On Messaging Apps

If the person really blocked you then s/he might also block you from other messaging apps because blocking you on number shows that they don't want to communicate with you. So, for your satisfaction try to message them on a platform like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or another app. If your message doesn't go through, and their profile picture or status disappears, this could be another clue that you have been blocked.

4. You Get An Automated Response

If you consistently hear an automated response saying, "The number you have dialed is not accepting calls," it could mean that your number is blocked. This message typically indicates that your call can't be connected, which is one of the clearest signs of being blocked.

5. Busy Signal

Receiving a busy signal every time you call can also be a sign of being blocked. However, it is essential to note that a busy signal can sometimes indicate that the person is genuinely busy on another call. If this happens consistently, it may be worth considering the possibility of being blocked.

How To Tell If Someone Blocked Your Number On iMessage?

Sometimes, you might not hear back from someone for a little while because they might just have their phone on Airplane Mode or Do Not Disturb. But if you can't reach someone for an extended period, it's possible they blocked your number, there are other ways to figure out if that's what happened, so you can have a better idea of where you stand.

1. Look for an Automated Response

If you send a message to someone and get an automatic reply it is a good sign you are not blocked. As an iPhone user, you may have an idea that it has features like Don Not Disturb and Driving Focus mode that let users set up auto-responses to let others know how they are busy or unavailable. These automatic messages won't be sent if your number is blocked, so receiving one means you are in the clear.

Similarly, if you see a little moon icon in your messages app or a note that says the person has silenced notifications, it just means they are using focus mode. This doesn't mean you are blocked, they just won't get notifications until they turn off that mode.

2. Check the Delivery Status

As we already mentioned above, if you and the receiver both have an iPhone you can easily see the sign of the message delivered and read, if you see these signs this means you are not blocked s/he is just busy. But while messaging if you didn't see such signs then understand they might block you.

However, iPhone users can also disable read receipts in the settings. So, if you don't see them, that doesn't mean you have been blocked. They may have simply turned these statuses off.

3. Try Calling the Number

Source : businessinsider

If you call the person and it rings once and then goes straight to voicemail, this might indicate you have been blocked. If it rings normally, you are likely not blocked.

If you're dealing with an emergency and think someone has blocked you, there's a way to try to reach them. You can hide your phone number by dialing *67 before their number. This makes your call show up as anonymous, which might help it go through if you've been blocked. However, keep in mind that they can still choose to ignore the call, especially if they have settings that silence unknown numbers.

4. Check Social Media

If you suspect you have been blocked on iMessage, you can check if you still contact the person on other platforms like WhatsApp or Facebook. If you can't see their profile or send them messages, it might confirm your suspicion.

How do you tell if someone blocked your number on WhatsApp?

Source : linkedin

You may also have the question of how do I know if I am blocked on WhatsApp. No worries, to find out if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, there are a few signs you can look for. Here's a simple guide to help you understand:

  1. Check the Message Checkmarks: When you send a message, if you see only one checkmark, it means the message was sent but not delivered. If this happens consistently, it could mean you have been blocked. Normally, two checkmarks indicate that the message was delivered.
  2. Last Seen and Online Status: If you can't see the person's last seen or online status, it might be a sign of being blocked. However, remember that they might have just changed their privacy settings to hide this information.
  3. Profile Picture Updates: If you notice that you can't see any updates to their profile picture, it could indicate that you have been blocked. If they change their picture and you still see the old one, that's a hint.
  4. Calling Attempts: If you try to call them and the call doesn't go through (you hear no ringing or get a busy signal), it might suggest you have been blocked. But again, they could just be unavailable to have their phone off.
  5. Group Chats: If you attempt to add a person to a WhatsApp group and you receive a message saying you can't add them, this is a strong indicator that you have been blocked.

Keep in mind, none of these signs are 100% certain proof that you've been blocked, as there could be other reasons for these changes, Always consider that the person may have just adjusted their privacy settings or could be having internet issues.

How To Differentiate Between Being Blocked And Someone Being Busy?

Source : pexels

It is important not to jump to conclusions. Just because someone is not responding to your messages or calls doesn't mean they have blocked you. Here's how you can tell if they might just be busy instead:

When They Might Just Be Busy

  • Delayed Responses: If the person typically responds after a few hours or days, it's possible they are just busy or handling something important.
  • Erratic Schedules: If the person has a job or lifestyle that keeps them offline or away from their phone for extended periods, this could explain the silence.
  • Phone Issues: Poor signal, phone issues, or their phone being turned off can lead to missed calls or delayed texts.

When It's More Likely You're Blocked

  • No Contact at All: If you have tried multiple ways to reach the person through calls, texts, and apps, and you are still getting no response, this is a stronger sign of being blocked.
  • Disappearing Messages: If your messages aren't showing as delivered or read on any platform, and you can't reach them anywhere, it could indicate a block.

Likewise, you can differentiate between being busy or blocked by following things as well:

  • Consider the context: Understanding the context of your relationship with the person can help clarify the situation. If you have recently had a disagreement or if the person has expressed a desire for space, it might be more likely that they have blocked you. Conversely, if the person is busy lifestyle or has been preoccupied with work or personal matters, they may simply be unable to respond.
  • Timing of Your Attempts: If you notice that your calls and messages go unanswered over an extended period, this could suggest that you have been blocked. However, if the person typically responds quickly but suddenly becomes unresponsive, they may just be busy or dealing with personal issues.
  • Mutual Contacts: If you share mutual friends or contacts, it might be helpful to ask them if they had any recent communication with the person in question. This can provide insight into whether the individual is merely busy or if they have indeed blocked you.

What To Do If You Think You've Been Blocked?

If you think someone has blocked your number, it's natural to feel confused or even upset. But it's important to approach the situation calmly.

1. Respect Their Space

Sometimes, people need space. If the person hasn't responded, they may just be busy or dealing with something personal. Give them some time before jumping to conclusions.

2. Try Another Method of Communication

If you are concerned and really need to reach the person, try contacting them through another method. This could be through mail, social media, or in person. But remember to respect their boundaries, if they don't want to talk, it's important to acknowledge that.

3. Move On

If it becomes clear that you have been blocked, it may be time to move on. Focus on your own well-being and consider engaging with other friends or activities that bring you joy. Sometimes, relationships evolve, and it's important to prioritize your mental health.