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Overheating Phone? A Guide To Understand Why It Happens And How To Solve It

By Familywave Team Published on Sep 11, 2024

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To avoid sunlight, you wear SPF 50 or more, but what about your phone, which you take everywhere no matter how hot it gets? Just like your skin, your phone needs protection too. You may have noticed your phone getting hot when you are out or when you are using it for games, videos, or even just scrolling through social media while it's charging.

At this point, you may be unaware of the reason for getting hot and how to solve it. But no worries. In this guide, we'll dive into why your phone might be overheating and share some fun and easy tips to keep it cool, so you can enjoy all your favorite apps without any fears.

Why Is My Phone Overheating So Much?

There are several reasons why your phone might overheat. If you understand the root cause of your overheating phone this can help you take the right steps to avoid or fix the issue. You may wonder about the reasons for the overheating phone then no worries we have discussed it below.

1. Excessive Use of Apps and Features

Source : unsplash

If you are addicted to different games, video streaming apps, or GPS, this may be one of the reasons for your phone overheating, as these apps need a lot of processing power. When you use apps that require a lot of processing power, your phone's processor works harder. This can lead to heat build, especially if you multitask or run several apps simultaneously.

2. Background Apps Running Continuously

Even when you are not using your phone actively, background apps may still run and use resources. These apps can increase the phone's CPU activity and cause it to overheat time.

3. Direct Exposure to Heat

Source : unifiedworld

Never leave your phone out in direct sunlight or a hot environment. You may have noticed that when you are out on a sunny day, your phone heats up if you are using it to take pictures or just holding it in your hand. This is because of the sunlight. Electronics are sensitive to temperature, and being exposed to high heat can quickly make your phone too hot to handle.

4. Faulty Battery or Charger

Another answer to why does my phone get hot is a faulty battery or charger. A malfunctioning battery or charger can cause overheating, especially during charging. Using a cheap, non-branded charger or a damaged charging cable might generate more heat than usual.

5. Phone Case Material

Source : ktar

In the name of fancy and aesthetic cover, many people use phone cases that are made of thick, non-breathable materials like plastic or rubber. If your case is also non-breathable, this is one of the reasons for phone overheating because such cases can trap heat due to poor ventilation.

6. Software Bugs or Updates

Sometimes, software issues or unoptimized apps can cause your phone to work harder than necessary, leading to overheating. Certain software updates can introduce bugs that affect performance, which can lead to higher temperatures.

7. Old or Damaged Hardware

Over time, hardware components like the processor or battery may wear out and generate more heat during use. If your phone is old, it may overheat more easily than newer models.

8. Blocked Ventilation

Dust or debris in the charging port can block airflow and this can lead to overheating. If you keep this area clean it helps to maintain proper ventilation.

9. Using the Phone While Charging

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Many of us may have the habit of using phones while charging, when you use your phone while charging, the phone's battery and other components generate heat. This heat can cause the phone to overheat, especially if you are using it for demanding tasks like gaming and streaming videos.

How To Know If Your Phone Is Overheating?

Phones are designed to operate within a certain temperature range. Your phone may be overheating if you notice any of these signs:

  • The phone feels very hot to touch, especially the back or sides
  • The phone's performance slows down noticeably
  • The phone's battery drains faster than usual
  • Apps crash or freeze more frequently
  • The phone shuts off unexpectedly due to high temperature

If you suspect your phone is overheating, here is how to check the temperature:

For Android Phones

  1. Download a temperature monitoring app from the Google Play Store, such as CPU-Z or Aida64. These apps will display your phone's current CPU temperature.
  2. If no apps are available, go to settings about the phone and look for the "Temperature" field under "Hardware Information." This may not be available on all Android models.

For iPhones

Unfortunately, there is no built-in way to directly check your iPhone's temperature. However, you can look for signs of overheating like the ones mentioned above. If the phone feels very hot and performance is severely impacted, it is likely overheating.

A normal operating temperature for smartphones is between 32 degrees F and 95 degrees F (0 degrees C to 35 degrees C). Anything above 100 degrees F (38 degrees C) could be considered overheating. If your phone is consistently running hotter than this, it is a good idea to take steps to cool down and prevent further overheating issues.

How To Solve The Problem Of Overheating Phone?

Source : wired

To solve the problem of an overheating phone, follow these detailed steps that address both immediate cooling and long-term prevention:

Immediate Cooling Steps

  1. Turn Off Your Phone:Powering down your phone stops all processes and this allows it to cool down more quickly.
  2. Remove the Phone Case: Phone cases can trap the heat which makes it harder for your phone to cool down. So, simply take off the case and set it aside while the phone cools.
  3. Move to a Cooler Environment: Heat can build up in warm environments, especially in direct sunlight. That's why place your phone in a shaded area indoors where it's cooler.
  4. Let Air Circulate: Airflow helps disperse heat. So, place your phone on a flat, hard surface. If available, use a fan to blow air over it, or gently wave your hand to create airflow.
  5. Avoid Charging While Hot: This is necessary because charging generates heat, which can worsen overheating. You have to wait until your phone cools down before plugging it in.

Long-Term Prevention Steps

Source : techadvisor

  1. Keep Software Updated: Updates fix bugs that can cause apps to use more power, leading to overheating. To update your software go to your phone settings and check for software updates. You can also enable automatic updates if possible.
  2. Close Unused Apps: Background apps use resources and can cause your phone to work harder. So, swipe up or use the app switcher to close apps you are not using.
  3. Uninstall Unused Apps: No need to keep those apps that you are not using, reducing the number of apps can free up resources and reduce strain on your phone. For this, simply go to your app list, select the apps you don't use, and uninstall them.
  4. Adjust Screen Brightness: High brightness settings consume more battery and generate heat. So, lower the brightness in your display settings or enable auto-brightness.
  5. Limit Intensive Tasks: Activities like gaming and video streaming put a heavy load on your phone's processor. Hence, take breaks during these activities and avoid prolonged use.
  6. Charge Correctly: Using the wrong charger or overcharging can also lead to overheating. It will be best if you use the original charger for your phone and avoid charging it overnight. Likewise, aim to charge between 40% and 80% for optimal health.
  7. Turn Off Unused Features: Features like GPS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi can drain the battery and generate heat. To save your phone from overheating disable these features when not in use through the phone's settings.
  8. Use Antivirus Software: Malware can run processes in the background, which is one of the causes of overheating. To solve this problem install a reputable antivirus app and run regular scans to check for malware.
  9. Keep Your Phone Clean: As we discussed, dust and debris can block ventilation, leading to heat buildup. So, clean the charging port and other openings gently with a soft brush or cotton swab.
  10. Avoid Extreme Temperature Changes: Rapid temperature changes can cause moisture inside your phone, which can damage internal components. Thus, never bring up the thought of placing your phone in the fridge or exposing it to extreme cold after overheating.
  11. Battery Replacement: If your phone is older, the battery might be the culprit. If you replace it, you can resolve overheating and improve performance.
  12. Factory Reset: As a last resort, resetting your phone to its factory settings can eliminate software glitches causing overheating. Remember to back up your data first.
  13. Seek Professional Help: If none of the above solutions work, consult a professional technician or phone customer support for assistance.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Source : anker

While trying to cool down an overheated phone, it's important to avoid certain mistakes that could potentially cause further damage. Here are some common mistakes to steer clear of:

  • Putting the phone in the fridge or freezer: Sudden temperature changes can cause condensation inside the phone, which leads to permanent damage to internal components. So, never put your phone in the refrigerator or freezer to cool it down.
  • Leaving the phone in direct sunlight or a hot environment: Even after the phone has cooled down, exposing it to direct sunlight or high temperatures again can cause it to overheat once more. Thus, make sure to keep the phone in a cool shaded area.
  • Using the phone while it's still hot: If you continue to use your phone even after it's getting hot, it potentially causes more heat buildup. That's why allow your phone to cool down completely before using it again.
  • Using an incompatible or faulty charger: If you use a charger that is not approved by the phone manufacturer, it can lead to overheating and other issues, so it's best to avoid this habit. Always use the original charger or a compatible one recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Keeping the phone in a case while charging: Phone cases can trap heat and prevent heat dissipation. So, remove the case while charging a hot phone to allow better airflow and cooling.
  • Ignoring Software Updates: Bugs in the phone's software can sometimes cause overheating. It will be best to keep your phone's operating system and apps up-to-date. This ensures optimal performance and prevents overheating issues.